Programs 课程
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
—— 纳尔逊·曼德拉
Froggy Class(6 weeks - 2 years) / 小青蛙班 (6 周-2岁)
Our infant program guides your baby's early experiences toward a lifelong love of learning. The teachers spend quality time with babies and toddlers to build upon trust. They provide a healthy early learning environment for movement, exploration and communication. The Froggy Infant and Toddler classroom helps the children grow from budding explorers and learn new vocabulary and self-help skills.
Dolphin Class (2 years)/ 海豚班 & 企鹅班(2岁)
Within our 2-3 years old classroom, children get the opportunity to learn, play, and explore and playing with their peers and interacting with their teachers. During morning meetings, we talk and share with one another so that we can learn and increase vocabulary and social skills. With playtime, children enjoy learning through play with friends and teachers.
Bunny Class and Penguin Class-3K For All (3 years) - 白兔班&企鹅班(3岁)
Our 3-K for All program is designed to foster 3-year-old’s learning in a healthy, safe, and stimulating environment. Children explore different educational activities in a nurturing way throughout our various centers, and they have opportunities to engage in play-based, hands-on learning and make discoveries together about ideas, materials, and each other. Our theme-based curriculums are geared to promote young learners’ creativity, concentration, and critical thinking skills. We value each child’s unique learning styles, strengths, interests, and family cultures. Each child learns new skills at their own pace such as learning shapes, colors, letters, and numbers. Our responsive and respectful learning environments welcome all children from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
我们提供的全天免费 3-K for All 课程促进 3 岁儿童在健康、安全和激励性的环境中学习成长。我们提倡“玩中学”的教育理念将“玩”和“学”结合起来,通过“玩”来激发儿童求知的动力、培养习得知识、提高动手协作的能力,使他们在“玩”的过程中自由、快乐地学习和探索。我们鼓励儿童自主地参与以游戏为基础的动手学习,并共同发现有趣的知识、学习材料和了解彼此。通过设计每个月不同主题的课程来培养孩子们的创造力、注意力和独立思考的判断力。我们重视每个孩子独特的学习风格、优势、兴趣和家庭文化。每个孩子都有自己专属的成长节奏来学习形状、颜色、字母和数字。我们创造相互尊重的学习环境以欢迎所有来自不同文化和语言背景的儿童。
Butterfly Class -Pre-K For All (4 years) 蝴蝶班
We offer Pre-K for All program in which children will be given the opportunity to explore and learn through hands on activities with a safe, loving and caring environment. Children learn to play together, share, take turns, and use problems solving skills in their daily lives. Our program gets children familiar with common concepts like letters , shapes, numbers, and colors. Children get ample opportunity to use their fine motor skills to strengthen their early literacy and writing skills. We follow units of study in which every month children learn through play on a given unit of study, such as all about me, our five sense, plants, and etc. This gives children the opportunity to explore and build higher level thinking skills. Teachers are coached by the Instructional Coordinator who works alongside teachers to implement effective lesson plans and a meaningful learning environment.
我们提供免费的全天Pre-K 课程,孩子们可以通过的实践活动来学习更多的知识,他们会学习如何相处,分享,讲秩序和解决问题的方法。我们的课程会在文字,形状,数字,和色彩方面强化他们的学习,同时,孩子们也会在词汇和写作方面有明显的提高。我们每个月会有不同主题单元,比如“关于我”,“五种感官”,“植物”等等。这些知识的学习提供给孩子们更多的实践机会, 并有助于他们更好的建立独立的思维模式。我们的老师和助教会一起帮助孩子们进行更好,更有效的学习。